Friday, September 13, 2013

week 10 EOC lawyer jokes

Q: What's the one thing that never works when it's fixed?
A: A jury.
Q: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle?
A: The vacuum cleaner has the dirt bag on the inside.
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a leech?
A: After you die, a leech stops sucking your blood.
Q: How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Three, One to climb the ladder. One to shake it. And one to sue the ladder company.
Q: How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?
A: His lips are moving.
Q: Why are there so many lawyers in the U.S.?
A: Because St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland

Two lawyers were out hunting when they came upon a couple of tracks. After close examination, the first
lawyer declared them to be deer tracks. The second lawyer disagreed, insisting they must be elk tracks.
They were still arguing when the train hit them.

A grade school teacher was asking students what their parents did for a living. "Tim, you be first," she said. "What does your mother do all day?"
Tim stood up and proudly said, "She's a doctor."
"That's wonderful. How about you, Amie?"
Amie shyly stood up, scuffed her feet and said, "My father is a mailman."
"Thank you, Amie," said the teacher. "What about your father, Billy?"
Billy proudly stood up and announced, "My daddy murders people, steals from them, and drinks."

The teacher was aghast and promptly changed the subject to geography. Later that day she went to Billy's house and rang the bell. Billy's father answered the door. The teacher explained what his son had said and asked if there might be some logical explanation.
Billy's father said, "I'm actually an attorney. But how can I explain a thing like that to a seven-year-old?"

Q: What do you have if three lawyers are buried up to their necks in cement?
        A: Not enough cement.
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a vulture?
        A: The lawyer gets frequent flyer miles.
Guess Who
        A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them.
        His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says "I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?'"
        "But why?" asks the man.
        "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies
The Truck Driver, Priest, and Lawyer
        A truck driver used to amuse himself by running over lawyers he saw walking down the side of the road. Every time he saw a lawyer walking along the road, he swerved to hit him and there would be a loud "THUMP". Then he would swerve back on the road.
        One day, as the truck driver was driving along the road he saw a priest hitchhiking. He thought he would do a good deed and pulled the truck over.
        "Where are you going, Father?" The truck driver asked.
        "I'm going to the church 5 miles down the road," replied the priest.
        "No problem, Father! I'll give you a lift. Climb in the truck." The happy priest climbed into the passenger seat and the truck driver continued down the road. Suddenly, the truck driver saw a lawyer walking down the road.
        Instinctively he swerved to hit him. At the last moment he remembered there was a priest in the truck with him, so he swerved back to the road and narrowly missed the lawyer.
        Certain he should've missed the lawyer, the truck driver was very surprised and immediately uneasy when he heard a loud "THUMP". He felt really guilty about his actions and so turned to the priest and said, "I'm really sorry Father. I almost hit that lawyer."
        "That's okay," replied the priest. "I got him with the door."
Q: Why does the law society prohibit sex between lawyers and their clients?
A: To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service.
Q: Why are lawyers so good at racketball?
A: Because they stoop so low.

Q: Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
A: Professional courtesy.

Q: What is the definition of a shame (as in "that's a shame")?
A: When a busload of lawyers goes off a cliff.

Q: What is the definition of a "crying shame"?
A: There was an empty seat.

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many orchards does it take for a lawyer?

Friday, September 6, 2013

week 9 EOC wall street journal opinion

Okay so, going on the subject of marijuana, we all know it’s illegal everywhere, no exceptions. And despite federal law two states have made it “okay” to smoke it. The problem with this is that like in a family of many children, the others opt it unfair and want to join in as well.  Regarding the article in the wall street journal, Obama has chosen to pass the law but at the same time ignore it, making the use of “medical’ marijuana okay, not legal but okay.  This in, my point of view, will end up like all the other vices our country suffers from. Eventually we will tolerate it in all 50 states and the American drug dealers will begin to be taxed for the exchange and production, or growth, of pot. I am under age and not allowed to be part of this whole vicious cycle. Unfortunately while in high school the trafficking of pot specifically was at an all-time high. I could name of 5 students that I could go to get “the stuff” at reasonable enough prices. The school, though they knew of the happenings, never took action, usually turning a blind eye unless reported. It went so far that during the few years I spent there the street across from the front gates became the rendezvous point for both the dealers and the smokers.

In the Wall Street the exact quote was given “Justice warns that it will intervene if it discovers that marijuana is flowing to children or being trafficked to states where it is still illegal, though under federal law it is still illegal in all states. The memo tells prosecutors to ignore even "large-scale, for-profit enterprises," which are usually targets for taxation.” which brings us back to the present. It’s writing on the wall. It is flowing to our children and it is happening at a large scale, its going on nationwide. And how is this being addressed,” General Eric Holder says never mind all that, and Americans should mellow out about such legal nuances.”  This is coming straight from the horse’s mouth.University of Denver law professor Sam Kamin says if the administration doesn't act soon to sort out the federal-state conflict, it may be too late to do much.
"At some point, it becomes so prevalent and so many citizens will be engaged in it that it's hard to recriminalize something that's become commonplace," he says.

Friday, August 30, 2013

my own argument and opinions

more soon....

rule of law

more later on ....

reasoning of the law

more soon...

the questions

1. How would an artist really go about enforcing a contractual clause and what action can i take if violation are made?
2. Are there any terms that specifically could limit an actor's future work?
3. And if so how can we work around that?
4. A character in a film is reading a novel by a famous author. Do I need to get clearances for this and what if i don't?
5. Do non-union actors have the right to ask for more payment if the project will end up being in many more mediums than originally expected? (i.e.: the post said industrial but the paper work says industrial, print, web, etc.)
6. I made a film whilst at film school. It was not part of my course but I did use the school facilities. Does this mean they own the copyright?
7. I have used a brand logo in my film but have disguised it by calling the company a different name (a pun on their name). The design is otherwise identical though. Does this count as a breach of copyright? and can it still be a breach if the logo even after a change is still implying negativity of a well known business
8.  Who can claim copyright to my project after turned into a popular film? (author and work made for hire)
 9. what exclusive copyright laws do i have to a project that has made considerate accomplishment?
10. What must a producer provide to SAG and who would most directly benefit?

I liked these questions, or better i found them interesting. There were a lot of words, like SAG, that i  don't know what they mean in the eyes of a lawyer. And of course i also found that all the questions above are issues that i can be faced with.

Legal authority

more info further on...

week 8 EOC ; legal questions

The ten questions to ask my lawyer according to my industry:

1. How would an artist really go about enforcing a contractual clause and what action can i take if violation are made?
2. Are there any terms that specifically could limit an actor's future work?
3. And if so how can we work around that?
4. A character in a film is reading a novel by a famous author. Do I need to get clearances for this and what if i don't?
5. Do non-union actors have the right to ask for more payment if the project will end up being in many more mediums than originally expected? (i.e.: the post said industrial but the paper work says industrial, print, web, etc.)
6. I made a film whilst at film school. It was not part of my course but I did use the school facilities. Does this mean they own the copyright?
7. I have used a brand logo in my film but have disguised it by calling the company a different name (a pun on their name). The design is otherwise identical though. Does this count as a breach of copyright? and can it still be a breach if the logo even after a change is still implying negativity of a well known business
8.  Who can claim copyright to my project after turned into a popular film? (author and work made for hire)
 9. what exclusive copyright laws do i have to a project that has made considerate accomplishment?
10. What must a producer provide to SAG and who would most directly benefit?

Friday, August 16, 2013

melon issue

Having your identity stolen is a crime. Having your label stolen and then killing not only 125 years of reputation but 33 people is a legal crime, but how do go fixing an issue with the thief when the thief has been found dead. This was the situation when a company that manufactured melons was hijacked of label and then sickened many to the point of death. Later going bankrupt, leaving the rocky Colorado farm with no way to bring justice. In my opinion they can still sue the other company but that will do nothing to lost revenue from the destruction of reputation across the states. Bringing them to court will not only hurt them in the usage of already low income but what can they do really. Maybe in a certain way they can have the other company openly admit to the crime and clear up a portion if not more of the doubt set into the minds of buyers toward the Colorado melon farm label.  They can as always start spreading their product little by little to the surrounding area and by the word of mouth have people share their experience with the authenticated  product that has been re established .

week 6 ; illicit trade

The trade on illicit goods has sky rocketed to a whole time high and to the discontent of many it is still rising. And the deal is not only on drugs but on things that can seem like harmless little trinkets. The most known and distributed is of course knock offs.  Purses, watches, cars, body parts and counter drugs are all falling into play when making fakes. In obviously the most disturbing of the areas of concern is the legalities. There are the terms under which people are failing to uphold the full value of whole priced items. Buying knock offs like DVD’s and bags and stuff of the same nature is causing not only legal beak of trademark copyrights but it diminishes the products value on each purchase.  You’re looking at years in jail just for knowing that the bag you just sold illegally could have come from a strange Chinese factory manned by children. And that’s not the worst part. We move on to the moral and ethical issues. You know or in this case the buyer is doing wrong. They willingly are as the movie said barely touching the tip of what is the whole of illicit trade.  They get taken on this round about search of a ware house someplace in the city and that whole way there the buyer has adrenalin rushing through their system felling the most bad ass criminal for smuggling a Rolex watch witch in some cases too, more trouble to acquire than just going into the dam shop and getting it. And besides just going through the motion of buying or selling is the little rush that goes through the body that they are doing something that in the long run going to cause a major upscale revolution. Still it’s bringing in more revenue than any original Louis Viton store can bring in in a year. So there you see the trafficking of “dirty money”. This is getting more revenue under the table that is completely un-taxable. I swear porn is getting more competition from face Gucci than from famous prostitutes. So you see it’s a serious issue and even as you read this around you the most common day people have the small “harmless” trinkets. And even now, to the discontent of many, illicit trade keeps sky rocketing to a new time high and still going.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Apple-Samsung patent battle week 5

     They found that Samsung infringed on a series of Apple’s patents on mobile devices, awarding Apple more than $1 billion in damages in reference to the New York Times. the link it seems that after much deliberation apple won. This could possibly have a wave effect on all Samsung users. "the life of Samsung products are now in the hands of the legal court system" if the court rules in favor of apple they will be taking product of Samsung and taking them of the shelves themselves and according to the guidelines of apple. I think this is insane. Apple is placing the law suit knowing that if Samsung provides like enough services and like enough products they might start losing revenue. at least in my opinion its nothing against Samsung to witch i know has many loyal followers. It’s more for themselves and protecting their positions and future income. Now I also believe that even after so many “wars” that apple and Samsung have had both clientele on either side have taken a hit. Although according to Koco from Oklahoma City stated in a story they covered The good news for consumers is that the trial proceedings in such disputes typically take so long that the products in question are often long obsolete by the time a judge rules”.
so in any case we, as I am an apple user, shouldn’t worry about products that are already marked to be gone because they are Samsung products. If you are in a field in witch technology is a heavy set you might be amazed that small cameras being developed on our everyday phones are becoming more extraordinary and to some degree a lot cheaper than fully developed cameras on the market. That’s just my opinion though.

Friday, August 2, 2013

week 4 EOC ; Snowden

Week 4 EOC; Snowden

In all honesty it seems a bit ridiculous that the US can consider the fact that Snowden, being allowed asylum in Russia, be a threat to all the progress the both have made toward a better relation. I do however agree with certain ideas Snowden has put out into the world.  Some may agree that Snowden should be thanked for leaking the info for it has raised many controversies as to the gravity of the nation’s reaction to the release of private information.  Edward Snowden is seen by some as a humanitarian and as a result the president of Venezuela has gone as far as to offer humanitarian asylum after, according to politics Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, also in Russia, similarly praised Snowden and said he deserves a “humanitarian medal” for exposing the NSA’s extensive spy network.(Read more here:  In  many ways I truly agree. Not knowing is easier than living with the truth. And although it is stated that Snowden might not actually be humanitarian he is however an eye opener. The US is raising red flag knowing that like they use our info, people having US info can be used as a weapon against the United States as stated on NBC’s  world news. "Edward Snowden will potentially do great damage to U.S. national security interests and the information he is leaking could aid terrorists and others around the world who want to do real harm to our country. Russia must return Snowden to face trial at home."  having said so, could this be a small hint that he could be charged with treason to the state. He was however found with more than one fault to the states and the law.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

week 3

  “Ethics: The study of how people ought to act.   Ethics lies largely beyond the realm of law…”
- Jeffrey F. Beatty; Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition., 2012. The Art Institutes. Web. 26 July 2013
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, or Jahar as most of his friends and persecutors know him by, was or seemed like a perfectly well rounded high school kid. He had dreams and goals and ambitions.  Yet in the eyes of the people who now look upon him they see a monster.  After reading an article posted in the rolling stone I got an entire new look at what could have been a simple act of terrorism. most people would say that it might even be treason. he did in fact have his naturalized citizenship even though it is of major importance that the true reason for prosecution be  known and judged, The type of hearing the government must offer depends upon the importance of the property or liberty interest.- Jeffrey F. Beatty; Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition., 2012. The Art Institutes. Web. 02 August 2013
So stating that one can imply that even with the  true evidence and the lack of concrete facts on the true story behind the crime  and because jahar cannot incriminate himself the whol case might not only last more that nessasary years but the nessarary effort as well . but on the same terms one could enforce strict liability: A high level of liability assumed by people or corporations who engage in activities that are very dangerous.- Jeffrey F. Beatty; Susan S. Samuelson. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition., 2012. The Art Institutes. Web. 02 August 2013


Friday, July 19, 2013

stand your ground

Florida statute 776.013(3) says: (a) person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
So many things have happened in the last year that has hurt the nation. Although  not all is related to gun violence, the issues that are, are still being debated across many spectrums. Above is the stand your ground law that has come up again and again in the recent trials concerning death due to gun. I am a pro-gun person that insists that guns don’t kill people

Friday, July 12, 2013

week one EOC

Digital film is my focus. I'm very new to the subject professionally, having been doing this for years at home with a home camera. I'm open to new ideas that can be seen in my style of directing and and producing  projects and completing works. it would be easy to say the film industry inspires me but that would be the understatement of my life. the film industry and its work motivates me. the feelings that can be felt when a movie and all its components are just right is phenomenal. studying film allows for a wide range of genera in all field and the ability to make connections on a level far beyond that of the basic individual.Being at the place i am know the possibility of success in this field is as games would put it free for all but i am sure of my endurance ; and clutching on to that i will reach the finish line.thankyou